Mounds and mounds of jumble of books! With patience and perseverance, this is the
place where you will mostly likely find that last missing book in your series
My heart skipped a beat (make that three beats!) when I saw a copy of Anita Shreve’s Sea Glass. I’ve been reading her books since I was in my 20s and I was shocked to hear of her passing away last year. I was more surprised though to find out that she was 72 – in my mind she was in her 30s. It was also in this Markets where I got my copy of her last book "The Stars Are Fire", published in 2017.
My heart skipped a beat (make that three beats!) when I saw a copy of Anita Shreve’s Sea Glass. I’ve been reading her books since I was in my 20s and I was shocked to hear of her passing away last year. I was more surprised though to find out that she was 72 – in my mind she was in her 30s. It was also in this Markets where I got my copy of her last book "The Stars Are Fire", published in 2017.
Black Diamond Square
Port Adelaide, South Australia 5015
Open: Sundays and Monday Public Holidays, 9.00
a.m. – 5.00 p.m.