Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Book-wrapt at the Cs

A question has been asked, “how many books does it take to make a place feel like home”? Reid Byers, a computer systems architect and who coined the term “book-wrapt”, posits that it is 1,000. He hedged however, that “500 hundred books will ensure that a room will begin to feel like a library”.  Byers added that: “Entering a library should feel like easing into a hot tub, strolling into a magic store, emerging into the orchestra pit, or entering a chamber of curiosities, the club, the circus, or cabin on an outbound yacht, the house of an old friend. It is a setting forth, and it is coming back to the centre.”

Byers spoke gospel truth. It is a perilous thing visiting the Cs. I run my fingers through their books. I ease myself into one of their couches. I am lulled by the breeze, by the chirping of the birds. I can stay here forever, chatting with them, nursing a drink or two. Or three.


But I see that my lovely husband is exhausted. Today is Australia Day.  We left early this morning to go to the beach, 80 kilometres from where we live. My son is also not-so-gently tugging at my arm. It is still about another hour drive to get home. I promise the Cs that I’ll be back.

Blessed are those who have friends who share their peculiarities.


Saturday, January 15, 2022

Livraria Bertrand, the oldest bookstore in the wooooorld!


A friend travelling in Portugal sent me a lovely photo with this message:

"On a story that would be of high interest to you, Lisbon has what is considered the longest operating bookstore in the world, from 1732."

When I finally get to do my Camino de Santiago pilgrimage, I will make sure I add this to my itinerary. 

Friday, January 14, 2022

Orchard Bookshop

I am feeling a tad soul weary. It seems that this pandemic is taking its sweet time going away. The State reported 5,679 new cases this Friday, the highest daily number since this whole frightful nightmare started. Novak, the tennis djokster, is contributing to the pandemonium, acting like the world owes him. 

When things like these happen, I tend to head to a bookshop during my lunch break. I wander around telling myself that bad things have happened too, 2500 years ago. And the world is still here.

One my favorite haunts is the Orchard Bookshop and its PopUp companion. They have stellar books and $1 finds that never fail to cheer me up.

PS: I was looking at the photo gallery in my camera and I realised I was at this same bookshop in November and December (when the number of Covid-19 cases started creeping up). One does not need algorithm to figure out what's going on. 

November 2021

December 2021

Orchard Bookshop
Adelaide Central Market, South Australia
+61 402 344 690


Tuesday, January 4, 2022

The Big Quince Book Nook

Just before the end of the year, we headed off to Kangaroo Island, far from the madding crowd. I was totally unprepared for the sweeping vistas, endless blue sky, breath-taking beaches, fresh produce, and lovingly prepared food we found in our long drives.

There’s always a gem which makes a trip extraordinary. For me, it was this marvellous bookshop which serendipitously, was located a stone’s throw from where we were staying. I knew of this store from an article in theWakefield Press but to my delicious surprise, I stumbled upon it while we were waiting for our apartment to be cleaned.

I was overwhelmed and did not know where to look when I entered the bookshop. Polished shelves, great display, and books which I wanted to slowly peruse.  

It also had an interesting gallery at the back. 

Alice Teasedale, the wonderful owner of Big Quince, said that they’ll be opening a cafĂ© this summer. Now, to be comfortably ensconced in this bookshop with a view of the ocean while sipping a cappuccino or a chai latte is one of the most sublime things that I can imagine doing. I am definitely coming back.

The Big Quince Book Nook
15 Kingscote Terrace
Open Monday to Friday, 9.30 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.
08 8553 0453 / 0410 476 427


Sunday, January 2, 2022

Book Exchange at Stokes Bay

Looooong driving, clambering over boulders, squeezing through crevices and... voila! There's this extraordinarily magnificent Stokes Bay, a paradise on earth. It even has a sweet little cafe with a book exchange corner.


Saturday, January 1, 2022

2022 Book Challenge

Out with the old,

In with the new

Wishing you a dazzling, 2022!

(Want to join me in this Book Challenge?)