Sunday, July 21, 2024

A Girl for All Seasons by Camilla Morton (2007)

I picked up this book yesterday thinking it was a follow up to Morton’s How to Walk in High Heels -The Girl’s Guide to Everything (2005) and A Year in High Heels (2008). I realised when I got home that A Girl for All Seasons is just a gold-covered edition of the pink-covered version of A Year in High Heels.  I adored these two books of Morton, yes, I did! In my happy bachelorette life, these were my manuals to walking through life with aplomb, chutzpah, and style – in stilettos.

Thumbing through A Girl for All Seasons reminded me of my foibles, impetuousness, and frivolity during those heady days. All these years, I’ve kept the two pink volumes – not a mean feat as I have moved apartments/homes at least 10 times since then.

I’d like to think I’m more grounded now - literally and figuratively - darting around most days either in my white sneakers or my reliable Merrells.

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